Glogster as a Presentaion Tool

Glogster is a visual poster board students and teachers can utilize to present information.   I truly enjoyed making my Glogster for a mock Health Education Lesson about Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes.

I especially like how you can incorporate all kinds of media, including videos, images, and hyperlink the images to pull up either a document or a website you are referring to.

This is how it came out.


Even more exciting, Sol-Marie might use Glogster or another tool called TACKK to present her science project they have just started on in school.  She is in 7th grade and they have a 6-week project they are working on.

-And she chose to do it on Type 1 Diabetes!!! (Proud mama right here!)

The teacher wants a demo of what it will look like in a few days as she did not quite know about either of these tools.  Hopefully she will approve it! -I will keep y’all updated here.

You can read more about how I will use Glosgter as a presentation tool in my PBL Lesson Plan idea HERE

2 responses

  1. Good for Sol Marie; she’s so independent with this!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes she is! We will see if the teacher approves it… Did you see the Prezi she made of her photo boards?
      It’s in a previous post, also about Presentation Tools. Thank you so much for supporting her photo board business.


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